ISIS threatens to behead Obama and turn America into an islamic nation

Continued Downfall of the Bee Only Intensifies Malnutrition

Cook Plate Fork

Continued Downfall of the Bee Only Intensifies Malnutrition

Stone fruits, like cherries, peaches, and nectarines,are pollinated by honeybees. Also peppers, sweet, juicy melons, succulent strawberries, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins, are also harvested thanks to the honeybee.

Because of the bees, we are able to prepare:

Ricotta Stuffed Mini Sweet Peppers with Cilantro Pesto Sauce

Baked Beets and Sweet Potato Chips

Ricatto Stuffed Sweet Mini Peppers

Baked Beets and Sweet Potato Chips

The foods that we all use the most in our cooking and baking are possible because of the bee. With other pollinators, like butterflies, humming birds , and bats, the bee helps pollinate 100 crops just in the U.S., and that equals to $15 billion worth of pollinated food.

Bee’s are declining since 1994, first noted in France with the use of pesticides on their sunflower seed crops. France has now outlawed the use of any pesticides what so ever to be used on any crop, they also will not import food that is pollinated by bees were…

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Wolf Is My Soul

From:  He’Art of Rescue

What you are about to hear is perhaps one of the most cruel cases of criminal abuse.

His name is Mocha, and he spent the last week in a shelter trying to survive from the trauma of an incredible incident.

Mocha had once a family, a family that kept him in the corner of their garden as a guard dog. The lack of care and love of that lifestyle seemed not cruel enough for this family, because they decided to get rid of him “a la turca” – leaving him at the side of the highway so that he would disappear – FOREVER!

Bypassers reported that the last time they had seen Mocha, a group of kids around 12 years old, had tied him with a rope and were pulling him around like a toy that had lost his soul.

It must have been extremely…

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WARNING: PETA may be in your neighborhood rounding up animals to kill.


Article By Nathan Winograd and The No Kill Advocacy Center

Graphic By SiameseCatTwins4Ever

WARNING: PETA may be in your neighborhood rounding up animals to kill.

Today, this full page ad appeared in The Virginian Pilot (, the newspaper of PETA’s hometown. I and other animal lovers paid for it. We will not stand by and allow PETA to get away with “murder.”

The Theft and Killing of Maya

On October 18, 2014, in Parksley, VA, PETA stole Maya, a happy and healthy dog, from her porch while her family was out. They killed her that very day.

According to a spokesman for Maya’s family, PETA came to the trailer park where the family lives, where most of the residents are Spanish speaking with few resources. The PETA representatives befriended the residents. They got to know who lived where and who had dogs. In fact, they sat with the family on…

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Slightly Graphic video; Animals Asia: Anger and sorrow as 13 more bears die in Halong

Save Parrots from Exotic Pet Trade

Save Parrots from Exotic Pet Trade.

Don’t Destroy Panther Habitat for Power Plant

Don’t Destroy Panther Habitat for Power Plant.

Support Ending Puppy Mills

Support Ending Puppy Mills.

Ban Cruel Killing Contests

Ban Cruel Killing Contests.

Stop Throat Slashing of Pelicans

Stop Throat Slashing of Pelicans.

This Dog Was Found Bound And Malnourished. Now, She Has A Loving, Safe Home

Emilio Cogliani

AT&T technician David Baxter was out on a call in a remote part of Southern California last year when he found a severely malnourished dog bound up with twine.

“It was very sad to see a dog in that kind of condition,” Baxter says.

The pup was frightened and shaking, and the twine was cutting into her body. Baxter knew he had to help, but the dog was too scared to let him close. So he poured some water into a bucket to lure her.

“She came to that. She let me pet her. Calmed down a bit,” he says.

After cutting the twine off the dog’s hind legs and neck, Baxter fed her his lunch.

“Ham and turkey sandwich on wheat bread.” he says. “Then I called animal control.”

An officer came to collect the skin-and-bones pup and promised Baxter that she’d be cared for.

starved dogDora, at the time…

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Tell the University of Toledo: Stop Training on Pigs

Korea animal rights activists need help

Blame It on Love

Nureongi dogs, thought of as "livestock," "meat" dogs in Korea Nureongi dogs, thought of as “livestock,” “meat” in Korea

To make helping a bit easier…

The goal of course is to shut down dog/cat meat markets in South Korea. Here’s a call-in, letter and/or email campaign with all contact info you might need, sample letters, and some IMPORTANT NEW PETITIONS (see links below). It will take some time and effort, but think of the dogs & cats, and please help. I did most of it (except for the phone calls & snail-mail letters), or I wouldn’t be asking others to help…the animals deserve this from us at the very least…thank you!

All the PETITIONS, several NEW:

So. Korean Embassy contacts:

Korean government contacts:

Sample letters:

Convenient email blocks you can use…

Note – It’s best to send the 16 or so emails and not send to all 250+ in same email or you may be marked a spammer. Please note…

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