Ohio Gov. Kasich: ‘The Lord’ Doesn’t Want Americans to Oppose Migrant Caravan

Ohio Gov. Kasich: ‘The Lord’ Doesn’t Want Americans to Oppose Migrant Caravan
Anthony Accardi
5-6 minutes

Ohio Gov. John Kasich told CNN Thursday that “the Lord” doesn’t want Americans to build walls and oppose the migrant caravan heading to the United States from Central America.

“We’ve got to start putting ourselves in the shoes of other people,” Kasich told CNN’s Newsroom.

Kasich, the grandson of Catholic immigrants from Eastern Europe who became an Anglican Christian as an adult, said he believes most Americans would welcome the caravan.

We’ve got to start thinking about the consequences that others suffer. And if we have been spared those by the grace of God, let us be appreciative, let us count our blessings, and let us reach out to those who have less. Let’s stop putting up walls around ourselves and not understanding the plight, the trouble, and the problems of others. It is not right. And the Lord doesn’t want it, and our people at their hearts want to reach out to others. Look at what they do in these storms. They go and they rescue people they don’t know. They put them in their homes. They feed them. That’s America. Not all this garbage and this division and yelling and screaming and hatred on all sides.”

But not all Christians agree with the governor’s take on biblical truth.

Kelly Kullberg, author of Finding God at Harvard.

Kelly Kullberg, a Christian Ohioan who is editor and co-author of Finding God at Harvard, leads the new American Association of Evangelicals and has served as a missionary in Guatemala and El Salvador. She said the Bible has a lot to say about nations, but nowhere does it teach nations to open their borders to mass migration.

“While I appreciate Gov. Kasich’s Christian faith and compassion, I would encourage him to reconsider the nature of love and the balanced wisdom of Scripture,” Kullberg told The Ohio Star. “The Bible does not teach open borders, but wise welcome.”

Kullberg said the Bible has four words for “foreigner” in Hebrew. One word indicates those who come lawfully as blessings; the word really means “converts,” like Ruth and Rahab. These foreigners are to be embraced as citizens.

Two other Hebrew words indicate temporary visitors or guest workers, to be treated kindly while passing through.

A fourth word indicates a danger, someone who does not come lawfully to assimilate and bless a nation, and is not to be welcomed. (See Dr. James Hoffmeier’s classic book, The Immigration Crisis).

“Rarely do folks quoting the Bible on immigration ever mention that Nehemiah and Ezra led their nation in the rebuilding of its faith, culture and walls,” Kullberg said. “Or that, in Isaiah 1, God considers it a curse and tragedy when a nation is overrun by foreign influence.”

DHS and ICE record many thousands of crimes against American citizens by people here illegally. And Kullberg believes God is grieved when a nation doesn’t protect its citizens, while remaining open to those who come lawfully as blessings.

“We’re to be stewards and gardeners, using wisdom to grow a beautiful culture,” she said.

Kullberg said she noticed something else about the caravan that Kasich apparently didn’t.

“I don’t agree with the governor that people, such as the young and strong men in these ‘caravans,’ should flee their home nations,” she said. “I love Guatemala and worked there as a missionary with widows and children. When sons leave, they leave behind vulnerable grandparents, women and children. What if we and they put creative effort, wisdom and the curious money behind these marches, into the protection and growth of their local villages and cities?”

“That’s what the Bible teaches us to do. The Gospel and its teaching are to uplift every nation,” she added. “That’s why I went with teams of grad students to help build homes, small businesses, a medical clinic and school in Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic and Peru.”

Kasich has always been an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, both before and after he was elected in 2016. On Wednesday, in an interview with MSNBC, Kasich blamed Trump for the bomb-scare packages that were mailed to 10 prominent Democrats.

Kullberg said she encourages the governor to honor the common sense of Ohioans, and how they voted in 2016.

“I ask him to honor struggling American workers who deserve to not be replaced by cheaper foreign labor,” she said. “He could look into the orchestrated, political nature of much mass migration, who funds it and why.”

She said Kasich would also do well to “brush up on the concept of sovereign nations – and the Book of Nehemiah.”

“The whole counsel of Scripture is the highest love for human beings, and the highest good for cultures and nations.”

Watch the interview:


Anthony Accardi is a writer and reporter for The Ohio Star.

The Elephant as Person – FIREPAW, Inc.


Chemically-treated fiber in processed foods linked to liver cancer: study

Chemical Free Life

Scientists discovered an unexpected consequence during their study of what happens when industrialized fiber that has been chemically-treated is added to highly processed foods: it triggered liver cancer in the test subjects. 

Adding chemically-treated ‘refined’ fiber to highly processed foods is something a recent FDA rule change has effectively encouraged processed food manufacturers to do.  The scientists argue that marketing of this chemically-treated refined fiber-fortified processed food as “health-promoting” is ill-conceived and should be reconsidered. 

More studies on this chemically-treated fiber injected into processed foods are needed. In the meantime, it might be wise to remember that while eating whole foods that are naturally rich in fiber has been shown to have health benefits, eating processed foods containing industrialized (chemically-treated) fiber may be anything but healthy.

Adding refined fiber to processed food could have negative health effects, study finds

Adding highly refined fiber to processed foods could have negative…

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Fund Meant to Protect Elections May Be Too Little, Too Late

Mining Awareness +

From ProPublica:
Fund Meant to Protect Elections May Be Too Little, Too Late

The Election Assistance Commission, the government agency charged with distributing federal funds to support elections, released a report Tuesday detailing how each state plans to spend a total of $380 million in grants allocated to improve and secure their election systems.

But even as intelligence officials warn of foreign interference in the midterm election, much of the money is not expected to be spent before Election Day. The EAC expects states to spend their allotted money within two to three years and gives them until 2023 to finish spending it.

Election experts have expressed skepticism that the money will be enough to modernize election equipment and secure it against state-sponsored cyber threats.

“Nationally, $380 million sounds like a huge amount of money, but in the context of what the election officials are needing to defend, replace…

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Reports of Voter Intimidation at Polling Places in Texas

Mining Awareness +

From ProPublica:
Reports of Voter Intimidation at Polling Places in Texas

Tempers are flaring during early voting in Dallas County, Texas, and reports of voter intimidation are on the rise. The county’s nonpartisan election administrator said that the harassment — including name-calling and interrogating voters waiting in line — is the worst she’s seen in decades.

“I’ve been here for 30 years, and this harassment that’s going on, I haven’t ever seen the likes of this,” said Toni Pippins-Poole, the county’s election director. “I’ve seen some other things, props being used and whatnot, but nothing like this type of mentality or aggressiveness or demeaning type of actions.”

At the Lakeside Activity Center in Mesquite, Texas, election administrators received complaints of a partisan poll watcher looking over voter’s shoulders as they cast their ballots and questioning voters on their politics. The person was later escorted out by Mesquite Police Department…

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Beware Painfully Slow Voting Machines In Texas & Elsewhere; Check Your Ballot Before You Hit Final “Button” To Cast Your Vote

Mining Awareness +

Patience is a virtue, which may be useful for US elections these days:
Patience (or forbearance ) is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance/anger; or forbearance when under strain…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patience

On October 25th, The Texas Civil Rights Project @TXCivilRights sent out an alert saying that they “have received multiple reports from voters who voted straight-ticket, then saw on a later screen that their votes were changed to that of the opposite party. You must check your ballot before casting to ensure it’s correct, and you can ask a poll worker for help“. See: https://twitter.com/TXCivilRights/status/1055510080387452929?

According to NBC news Dallas/Forth Worth: Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia have similar machines in use.

Additionally, since many of US voting machines are old, many voting machines may be slow due to outdated software…

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