Beware Painfully Slow Voting Machines In Texas & Elsewhere; Check Your Ballot Before You Hit Final “Button” To Cast Your Vote

Mining Awareness +

Patience is a virtue, which may be useful for US elections these days:
Patience (or forbearance ) is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance/anger; or forbearance when under strain…

On October 25th, The Texas Civil Rights Project @TXCivilRights sent out an alert saying that they “have received multiple reports from voters who voted straight-ticket, then saw on a later screen that their votes were changed to that of the opposite party. You must check your ballot before casting to ensure it’s correct, and you can ask a poll worker for help“. See:

According to NBC news Dallas/Forth Worth: Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia have similar machines in use.

Additionally, since many of US voting machines are old, many voting machines may be slow due to outdated software…

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