Can You Freeze Avocados? Martha Stewart

Avocado toast and a halved avocado on wooden table

Credit: Getty Images

Not every food freezes well. To find out whether this creamy, delicious food will hold up well in your freezer, we consulted experts.

Martha’s Blog

By Kirsten Nunez April 19, 2022

There’s a lot to love about avocados. They’re creamy, mild, and filled with good-for-you fats. Avocados are also delightfully versatile, earning them a spot in everything from tacos to toast. All that being said, if the luscious green fruit (yes, fruit) is part of your weekly menu, you might end up with leftovers that you want to store in your refrigerator or even freezer—but can you actually freeze avocados? The short answer is yes, but there is a right way to freeze the fruit. Ahead, experts lay out the process for us.

Related: What’s the Best Way to Prevent Avocado from Browning?

Things to Consider

Although using fresh avocados will always be best, freezing them certainly has its perks. The key to getting it right is to consider several factors first. For starters, only ripe avocados should be stored in the freezer, because “once avocado is frozen it won’t continue to ripen—even when thawed,” says Ann Ziata, chef-instructor at the Institute of Culinary Education.

Avocados that have been frozen and thawed aren’t ideal for every dish. According to Traci Weintraub, founder and head chef at Gracefully Fed, freezing avocado fundamentally changes its texture, causing it to become softer and somewhat mushy. As a rule of thumb don’t use frozen avocado in dishes “where the avocado texture is at the forefront, such as guacamole or salads,” she adds.

How to Freeze Avocados

Whole avocados can become mushy after freezing and thawing. So, for best results, cut the avocado into slices or cubes before freezing. To slice avocados, “cut the avocado in half and remove the pit by gently working a spoon [underneath it],” explains Amanda Izquierdo, M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N., public relations and advertising manager at the Hass Avocado Board. Next, peel off the skin, cut the avocado flesh into slices or cubes, and brush with a bit of lime or lemon juice to help prevent browning. From there, place the avocado in a resealable plastic or silicone bag, and push out all of the air. This is a crucial step, as excess air will make your avocado brown more quickly, notes Weintraub. Finally, tightly seal the bag and place it in the freezer for up to one month, says Izquierdo.

It’s also possible to freeze mashed avocado, though avocado in this form tends to brown quicker than its cut counterparts. Still, “pre-mashed avocado tends to blend more easily, so it can be useful to have on hand,” says Weintraub. To freeze mashed avocado, start by mixing in a bit of lime or lemon juice to keep browning at bay. Scoop the avocado into an ice cube tray (with a cover, if possible), and place it in the freezer. “When the cubes are frozen, add them to a freezer-safe bag, remove the air, and [return it to] your freezer,” she says. Mashed avocado will also keep in the freezer for about a month.

Ways to Use Frozen Avocado

Ideally, use frozen avocado straight out of the freezer. Try it in smoothies and hummus, where frozen avocado can be easily blended for extra creaminess and healthy fats, says Weintraub. It can also be added to chilled soups, says Izquierdo. Otherwise, frozen avocado takes about one hour to thaw at room temperature. Once thawed, the texture can be a bit grainy and mushy, so it’s best for adding nutrients to baked goods like brownies, in which the texture will be less noticeable.

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How To Store Lemons and Lime for 3 months

March 18, 2021

How To Store Lemons and Lime for 3 months

Lemons and limes have endless uses, not just for eating or flavoring! People store lemons and limes in a few different kind of ways. I have the perfect lemon and lime storage hack that will help keep your lemons fresh and wrinkle-free! Let me show you how to store lemon and lime for 3 months!!!

How To Store Lemon and Lime for 3 months

Buying the Perfect Lemon/Lime

Lemons and limes are definitely a kitchen grocery staple. They are used for so many different delicious dishes and so much more. So, buying the perfect lemons and limes is important because it affects flavor and longevity.

What to look for when buying lemons or limes

  • should have no bruising
  • shouldn’t be spongy or very soft
  • no moldy areas
  • no bumpy or wrinkly skin
  • larger lemons or limes are usually sweeter
  • look for ones with thinner skin since they are juicier and should be smooth
  • it should be a little firm but give a little when you press it; not rock-hard
  • should be a little heavy for their size

Best Way To Store Lemons and Lime

There is more than one way to store lemons and limes. I’m going to give you an idea of the most popular, beginning with my own way of storing lemon and lime for 3 monhts! But before I delve into the details of how to store lemons and limes for 3 months, let’s talk a little about cleaning them. Before storage, you should ensure that you’ve appropriately cleaned them. Lots of citrus fruits have a layer of wax on the outside, either naturally or sprayed on.

You should wash your hands with soap and warm water before handling lemons or limes. You can wash them in two ways. First, you can put them into a bowl with a drop of dishwashing soap and fill the bowl half way with water. Then, you start scrubbing them with a fruit brush one by one and put them under running water. Finally, you can put them in a strainer to dry or dry them with a hand towel. The second way is simply to soak them in water and vinegar for a few minutes and then scrub them with your hands under cool running water one by one. One process is a little longer and maybe a bit more tedious while one is simple and quick. Your choice!

How To Store Lemons

Lemon Storage: I store my lemons and limes in a bowl submerged in water in my fridge! It’s the perfect way to store lemons because it ensures they stay wrinkle-free and fresher. They can last up to three months stored this way in your fridge. A lot longer than other lemon and lime storage hacks!

This is a great way since most storage methods ask that you don’t pile lemons on top of each other to avoid bruising or squishing. In water, they basically float around or at least don’t have their weight bearing down on each other even if they were touching.

The water in the bowl also helps in replenishing the moisture that gets lost over time from the lemons. When lemons lose moisture they start to mold or rot. So, not only does it preserve them but it helps keep them juicy!

How To Store Lemons and Lime for 3 months

Other Lemon and Lime Storage Methods

  • Devote a compartment or drawer just for lemons and store by placing them next to each other. If it’s not in the fridge, make sure it’s an airy space. Lasts about 7 to 10 days.
  • Store in an airtight container or closed plastic bag in room temperature with the air sucked out. You can remove air from the plastic bag by placing a straw in the side of the bag and sucking out the air before closing. Lasts nearly a month.
  • You can seal them the same way as mentioned above and place in your fridge but they won’t last as long! In an airtight container or plastic bag in the fridge, they would last about two weeks.

Uses for Lemons and Limes outside of cooking

Now that you know my secret for storing lemon and lime for 3 months, you can buy a little extra lemons and keep them stored for their oh so many uses! Sure we love the zest of citrus in many different dishes we eat, but lemons are much more versatile than just for flavoring foods.

Use lemon and limes to:

  • wash your hands to remove grease or oil or to kill bacteria
  • scrub greasy pots and pans to get them clean and shiny again
  • cut them up and put them with water in a bowl and microwave; use the lemon water to clean walls or countertops
  • use lemon juice on the stains of white linens and let them dry in the sun for a bleach-type affect
  • add lemon juice to vinegar to make a cleaning spray used to clean nearly anything, especially as a glass cleaner

How Long Does Lemon Last

Lemons should last about a week if you store them on the counter top and a few days longer in the pastry! If you transfer them to the refrigerator, you can expect them to last about 3-4 weeks. Now, if you take the extra step and seal the lemons tightly, they can last for about 5 weeks.

Some Enjoyable Recipes using Lemons or Limes

Best Plant-Based Foods to Help You Retain Iron
By Chelsea Debret

Eating a primarily plant-based diet has many incredible benefits including healthy weight loss and management, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and even a reduced risk of cancer. With that said, one of the hurdles that plant-based dieters face, especially strict vegetarian and vegan practices, is a condition called anemia, in which “your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body” due to insufficient iron levels.

For those that suffer from this condition, how do you continue to uphold your plant-based eating values, while also maintaining overall health? You’re in luck! There is a range of plant-based foods that help the human body retain iron and avoid anemia altogether.

What is Iron?

Hemoglobin, iron-rich proteins moving through the body


Let’s take a deep dive into what iron is and what it does for your body. In its basic form, iron is simply an essential mineral. Once absorbed, iron-rich proteins called hemoglobin attach to oxygen and are carried throughout the body. Via this transport vessel, iron is carried to tissues throughout the body producing energy (referred to as myoglobin), as well as playing a crucial role in removing carbon dioxide. Iron is also an incredibly important nutrient for brain development and overall growth of babies and children.

One misconception regarding iron is that the only reliable source is found in animal products such as “meat, seafood, and poultry.” The truth is that there are actually two types of iron that can be absorbed from food called heme and non-heme. While heme iron is meat-based, non-heme iron is said to be accountable for 85 to 90 percent of your total iron and can be absorbed via plant-based foods including “spinach and beans, grains that are enriched, like rice and bread, and some fortified cereals.”

The Relationship between Iron and Anemia


First off, anemia isn’t relegated to plant-based dieters. In fact, anemia is the most common blood disorder in the United States affecting over three million people for a variety of reasons including pregnancy, infections, chronic diseases, and poor diet, to name just a few risk factors.

So, what exactly is anemia?

There are a handful of incredibly serious types of anemia including aplastic anemia, a rare bone marrow failure disorder; hemolytic anemia, when red blood cells are broken up and therefore unable to carry iron-rich protein to the necessary tissues; and sickle cell anemia, when hemoglobin protein is abnormal. The most common type of anemia is iron-deficiency anemia, which occurs “when you don’t have enough iron in your blood.” If you’re given a diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia it means that you don’t have enough hemoglobin (those iron-rich proteins). Basically, your body lacks oxygen. People with anemia generally experience dizziness, shortness of breath and overall weakness, headaches, chest pain or irregular heartbeat, or less obvious symptoms such as cold hands or feet and pale skin.

Luckily, the human body is designed to self-regulate the appropriate levels of iron via absorption. If you’re looking to give your body a helping hand, the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for iron vary depending on age and gender. Women between the ages of 19 and 50 are recommended an intake of 18 milligrams, while a male over the age of 19 is recommended 8 milligrams.

Plant-Based Foods that Help Absorb and Retain Iron


It’s not just about an iron-rich diet. While you may stock up on those plant-based sources of iron, such as spinach and legumes, it’s also important to account for your body’s ability to absorb and retain the iron you’re consuming. Luckily, there are a few nutrients readily available in plant-based food products that help your body retain that essential iron!

Vitamin C


Vitamin C is an acid, more specifically an L-ascorbic acid, that is not produced by the human body and therefore must be consumed via diet or supplements. While vitamin C is popular for its immune boosting properties, this vitamin is oh so much more! Vitamin C is “required for the biosynthesis of collagen, L-carnitine, and certain neurotransmitters,” is part of protein metabolism, is an “essential component of connective tissue” and wound healing, and is also an antioxidant. It has also been shown to help the body absorb and retain iron by capturing the plant-based iron (non-heme), transforming it into a more absorption friendly form, and stores it for use.

While this may incline you to stock up on oranges, there are a host of vitamin C-rich plant-based foods that are lower in sugar content. These include dark green and leafy veggies such as kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red and green bell peppers, chili peppers, melons, strawberries, and other citrus fruits. Try out a few of these vitamin C-rich recipes: Spicy Broccoli Pasta with Lemon Breadcrumb, Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, Dark Chocolate and Orange Pecan Loaf, or Sunflower Seeds and Brussels Sprouts Pesto.

Vitamin A and Beta Carotene


Vitamin A is not just one nutrient, but a “group of fat-soluble retinoids, including retinol, retinal, and retinyl esters.” Yet, when it comes to consumption via diet, there are only two forms of vitamin A: preformed vitamin A (retinol and retinyl ester) and provitamin A carotenoids. Vitamin A begins as beta-carotene, a red-orange pigment found in plants, which is then transformed into vitamin A when consumed. While it’s most widely-known as essential for healthy vision, vitamin A is also involved in immune function, cellular communication and growth, and reproduction, as well as the “formation and maintenance of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs.” Recent studies have also illuminated a connection between vitamin A and the efficacy of iron. The Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research discovered that vitamin A and beta-carotene actually enhanced the absorption on plant-based iron (non-heme), specifically from wheat (by 80 percent), rice (by 200 percent), and corn (by 140 percent).

When upping your plant-based sources of vitamin A and beta-carotene think orange and red foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, squash, red peppers, apricots, and peaches. Vitamin A-rich recipes are plentiful for plant-based dieters including staples such as these Sriracha Sweet Potato Chips, salads like this Sweet Potato and Spinach Salad With Almond Dijon Vinaigrette, vegan burgers such as Roasted Red Pepper Chickpea Burger, and fruit-based desserts like Apricot Bars.



With all that goes on in your daily life, it’s often a challenge to fit all the necessary nutrients into your waking hours. This is where supplements become a great and quick source to get some of those essential vitamins that you may be lacking. If you’ve been diagnosed as anemia or on the verge of anemia, it’s a great idea to take iron supplements. With that said, you can also increase how efficient iron supplements are by integrating absorption and retention supplements such as such as this Garden of Life Non-GMO Vitamin C supplement, or this Bronson Vitamin A 10,000 IU Premium Non-GMO Formula.

With thousands of archived plant-based recipes, the Food Monster App makes it incredibly easy to incorporate those iron-absorbing foods! The app is available for both Android and iPhone, and can also be found on Instagram and Facebook. The app has more than 10,000 plant-based, allergy-friendly recipes, and subscribers gain access to new recipes every day. Check it out!

Lead Image Source: Shutterstock

Watch “Drive Through the World’s Largest Wine Cellar “National Geographic” 

12 Best Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes for The Holidays

Love  Apples…Cherries…Cranberries…Cinnamon…Oranges…Pears…Strawberries… Find your favorite and spread on homemade bread for a Heavenly treat ❣

Samhain Baked Apples ~Vegan Recipe

Actual whole apples baked in a vegan pastry shell and stuffed with rich dried fruit.

Source: Samhain Baked Apples

Simple Summer Macaroni Salad [Vegan] | One Green Planet

Food Monster – Recipes
Simple Summer Macaroni Salad [Vegan]
Total Shares
Dora Daily
July 3, 2017 18 Comment

If you enjoy recipes like this, we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App, it’s available for both Android and iPhone and has free and paid versions. The app is loaded with thousands of allergy-friendly & vegan recipes/cooking tips, has hundreds of search filters and features like bookmarking, meal plans and more! The app shows you how having diet/health/food preferences can be full of delicious abundance rather than restrictions!

While the black bean burgers and the veggie kabobs get all the attention, it’s the side salads, appetizers, dips, and chips that really steal the show. This super easy and totally creamy macaroni is right on the top of that list of things that will soak up the glory. Pasta is tossed with crisp vegetables like bell pepper, celery, and onion with pickles providing a tangy, salty punch that will leave everybody coming back for a second helping.
Simple Summer Macaroni Salad [Vegan]
This Recipe is :

Dairy Free High Carb Vegan Vegan
For the Macaroni Salad:

1 box of noodles of your choice
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 cup diced celery
1 diced red onion
1/2 cup diced pickles
1 cup corn
3 or 4 green onions, sliced thin
1 cup vegan mayonnaise
1/2 cup pickle juice
2 tablespoons agave nectar
3 heaping tablespoons mustard
Salt and pepper, to taste

For the Optional Add-Ins:

Snow peas


Cook pasta. Run under cold water to cool off.
Throw all the ingredients together and mix well.

Nutrional Information
Total Calories: 3884 | Total Carbs: 468 g | Total Fat: 170 g | Total Protein: 67 g | Total Sodium: 1345 g | Total Sugar: 64 g
Nutrition information does not include the optional add-ins.

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                                                              🌷 🐇🌷   HAPPY  🐣   EASTER  🌷 🐇 🌷

Take Action: Tell Your Senators to Oppose Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State

Tillerson’s nomination is just one more example of how Trump’s government will put corporate profits and political favors above people and the planet.

Source: Take Action: Tell Your Senators to Oppose Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State

Is It OK to Eat Honey, Royal Jelly, and Bee Pollen?


Leave the honey, royal jelly, and beeswax on the shelf. Vegan products can do all the same things while giving busy bees a break.

Source: Is It OK to Eat Honey, Royal Jelly, and Bee Pollen?

Vegan Ice Cream Flavors to Cool You Down This Summer


So many options, so little time. Yum!

Source: Vegan Ice Cream Flavors to Cool You Down This Summer

50 Vegan Products at Trader Joe’s | The Friendly Fig



Moscato Lemonade Recipe


Moscato Lemonade
posted by Katie on May 5, 2015 2 comments »

This post brought to you by Gallo Family Vineyards. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Katie’s Cucina.
Moscato Lemonade using @GalloFamily Moscato! #MoscatoDay
Get ready for your new go-to summer drink. Seriously I’m in love with this easy recipe for Moscato Lemonade! It’s not too sweet and not too tart and in my opinion just perfect! Light and refreshing and perfect for sipping on a hot summers day. I sliced a lemon and rinsed some fresh raspberries to go in the lemonade. If you wanted to get crazy you could muddle the raspberries and make a raspberry moscato lemonade.


Moscato Lemonade using @GalloFamily Moscato! #MoscatoDay
Gallo Family invited me to host a Moscato tasting party in honor of National Moscato day. Four years ago, they established the holiday to celebrate the deliciously sweet wine varietal that has everyone talking. Bursting with sweet flavors of peach, honey, and ripe citrus, Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato is a deliciously sweet wine that you’re sure to love. We invited a few of our friends over to enjoy the three different varieties of moscato they produce. As well as enjoy my delicious recipe for Moscato Lemonade. I also served up a few appetizers to balance out the tasting!
Gallo Family Moscatos #MoscatoDay
Let’s talk about the three different types of Moscato.


  1. WHITE MOSCATO BURSTS WITH FRUIT FLAVORS– Delightfully sweet, this white wine is often simply referred to as “Moscato”. Hints of peach, honey, and ripe citrus make this a refreshing sunny day beverage. We suggest serving chilled to bring out the grape’s full taste. Consider a spring lemonade mix when hosting a pool party or backyard barbecue. For dinner, pair with spicy Asian takeout or Mexican dishes. If dessert is your family’s style you cannot go wrong with this vino. 2. SPICE UP THE NIGHT WITH A GLASS OF RED MOSCATO– If you’re looking for a medium bodied red, never fear. Red Moscato maintains peach and citrus elements with a bright berry finish. We think of this as our “cheese and wine” pairing, and if you are on the same page as us definitely try it with a Gorgonzola. Just like its sister varieties, Red Moscato is great for spicy foods and is best served chilled. 3. PINK MOSCATO WILL ROSE TINT ANY MEAL- There’s always someone who’s a little different in every family. Our Pink Moscato is just that – a bit different. It share’s the fruit flavors of white and red, but adds a hint of berry and orange. For when you’re feeling fun and fancy free, this rose-colored wine is best served cool. Pair it with your favorite ice cream sundae for a delicious and sweet treat.
    Moscato Lemonade 3
    The Gallo Family Vineyards collection of wines offers a variety of fruit-forward, approachable styles at affordable prices, including: Moscato, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pink Moscato, White Zinfandel, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Red Moscato, White Merlot, Sweet Red, Hearty Burgundy, Sweet White Blend and Riesling. (Suggested retail price: $4.99 for 750-ml bottles, $8.99 for 1.5-liter bottles, $5.99 for 187-mL four-pack.) Use Store Locator Tool the to find Gallo Family Vineyards collection near you!
    Moscato Lemonade 4
    Everyone had a great time at our Moscato tasting and enjoyed the Moscato Lemonade. I hope you’ll consider hosting your own Moscato party on Moscato Day with Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato as your beverage of choice! Or of course make my refreshing Moscato Lemonade recipe.
    Moscato Lemonade 2


Print Recipe
Moscato Lemonade

Yield: 6

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

1 bottle Gallo Family Moscato
3 cups Simply Lemonade
1 lemon, sliced
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
Ice for serving


In a large pitcher combine Gallo Family Moscato with 3 cups simply lemonade. Add in half the sliced lemons and raspberries. Mix well.
Place ice in glasses. Pour moscato lemonade in each glass and garnish with lemon and raspberries. Enjoy immediately.

Katie Original Recipe

Serbia: 30 Shelter Dogs Without Food Now For A Few Days; Some Ready For Adoption. Can You Help Please ?

Serbian Animals Voice (SAV)

Serbian Flag

Donations for food:



Lina’s animal rescue in Coka, Serbia has tried desperately to keep her shelter open despite lack of funding.

There are approx 30 dogs being cared for and they have been without food now for a few days.

FIVE of these dogs are READY FOR TRAVEL to be adopted ( all required testing, vaccines, certificates are completed).

Due to lack of funding and the recent loss of electricity ( and no help in sight) the founder is struggling to find a solution and may end up opening the gates in the hopes that these dogs may have a better chance on the streets.

I have been a dedicated supporter for approx 2 years and have been impressed with the dedication, knowledge, high level of integrity and enormous level of care given to these unfortunate animals.

Is there ANYTHING you can do to help?


View original post 16 more words

MFA’s Guide to Eating Vegan at Panera Bread –


So, A Vegan Walks Into Panera Bread…
by Sarah Von Alt – March 3, 2016
If you’re new to vegan eating, finding things to eat when you’re on the road or short on time can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Luckily, many of your favorite chains offer delicious plant-based options. Here are some of our favorite vegan offerings at Panera Bread:

• Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie

This sweet treat is loaded with pomegranate and beet juices, coconut milk, chia seeds, and fresh blueberries!

• Steel Cut Oatmeal With Strawberries and Pecans

The name says it all.

• Vegetarian Black Bean Soup

This soup of savory black beans simmered with veggies and spices is seriously good and can be served in a bread bowl!

• Chicken Soba Noodle Salad With Peanut Sauce

Wow! With savory soba noodles, Napa cabbage, spinach, and cilantro tossed in orange miso dressing, this bowl is divine.

*Don’t forget to skip the chicken!

• Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich

This sandwich comes with cilantro jalapeño hummus and is packed with fresh veggies, including sweet peppadew peppers.

*Hold the feta and swap the bread for sourdough, ciabatta, or a French baguette!

• Classic Salad

Looking for something a little lighter? Try this simple salad of mixed greens, romaine, tomato, cucumber, and red onion served with balsamic vinaigrette.

• Vegetarian Garden Vegetable Soup

Served Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, this tomato broth-based soup is loaded with sliced zucchini, yellow beans, cauliflower, Swiss chard, barley, and more.

*Don’t forget to pass on the pesto.

• Mediterranean Quinoa Salad With Almonds

This refreshing mix of kale, cucumbers, quinoa, toasted almonds, Kalamata olives, and more comes tossed in a flavorful Greek dressing.

Pushing for more animal-friendly menu options is a great way to make vegan eating easier for you and the millions of Americans who are moving away from meat.

50 Vegan Recipes for Super Bowl 50 (Photos Videos)

Whether or not you’re a sports fan, you can still participate in the pre-game, halftime, and post-game football festivities with this vegan game-day grub.

Source: 50 Vegan Recipes for Super Bowl 50 (Photos Videos)

SIGN: Demand the presidential candidates tell us where they stand on GMO labeling

Petition · McDonald’s: It’s Time For A Healthy, Meatless Option ·

Petition update · Wendy’s is testing a veggie burger in three states. ·

The Great Vegan Dessert Challenge!

Calling all aspiring chefs: show off your culinary skills while helping animals by entering PETA India’s Great Vegan Dessert Challenge.

Source: The Great Vegan Dessert Challenge!

Three Easy Ways You Can Help Wildlife This Holiday Season

Emilio Cogliani

WildCare’s Wildlife Hospital treats nearly 4,000 ill, injured and orphaned wild animal patients from over 200 species every year. In our hospital, we see too many animals injured in avoidable ways, including animals admitted with injuries and issues resulting from the holidays.

Below are three easy ways you can keep the holidays safe for wildlife!

Feeding ducks. WildCare photo by Susan Miller1. Don’t Feed Holiday Treats to Wildlife

Although it may be tempting to share your carbohydrate-rich treats with the animals like ducks or other animals that enjoy them so much, you’re not helping the animals by feeding them.

Like human children offered candy instead of vegetables, birds that eat bread fill up on calories with no nutritional benefit. This leads to obesity (in birds too!), and poor nutrition that can cause potentially-fatal metabolic health problems.

Deer in the back yard. WildCare photo by Barbara Wong
Deer love corn and other treats, but like ducks, they will fill up on this poor-nutrition food and ignore the…

View original post 463 more words

5 Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Intake | Vegan Food | Living | PETA

5 Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Intake | Vegan Food | Living | PETA.

Unexpected Vegan Goodies From Trader Joe’s | Lifestyle |

Unexpected Vegan Goodies From Trader Joe’s | Lifestyle |

Urge Live Earth to Offer Only Eco-Friendly Vegan Food | Action Alerts | Actions | PETA

Urge Live Earth to Offer Only Eco-Friendly Vegan Food | Action Alerts | Actions | PETA.

20 Everyday Superfoods You Should add to Your Grocery List NOW!

Why These Former Burger King and Pepsi Execs Ditched Meat To Bet on Plant-Based Protein | One Green Planet

Life or Lunch?

Sweet-Earth-Natural-Foods-1200x800I sensed it the moment I stepped inside Sweet Earth Natural Food’s 35,000 square foot facility in Moss Landing, California. It was almost instant, undeniable and omnipresent. I’m not referring to the smell of spicy hickory and sage smoked “Benevolent Bacon” and burritos lingering in the air (although, that was great too). What I’m talking about is a positive vibe that encapsulates the place and the people that work there. I wondered, was it the quintessential California location? After all, Sweet Earth is located along an idyllic stretch of Highway One on the California central coast, one of the most abundant agricultural regions in the world, with the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean merely a stone’s throw away.

Or was there more to it?

sweet earth3Sweet Earth’s website proclaims that the most important ingredients are ones they don’t list on the package, “sweet vibes,” “rolling surf,” and “pure…

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5 Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Are we running out of chocolate & wine? 4 luxury food shortage scares