Don’t Allow Historic Jamestown to be Sacrificed for a Large-Scale Energy Corridor!

Don’t Allow Historic Jamestown to be Sacrificed for a Large-Scale Energy Corridor!.

Ricky Gervais Urges End to Yulin Dog Meat Festival | Ecorazzi


Life or Lunch?

ricky-gervais-592x398Ricky Gervais is supporting the Humane Society International Rescue’s attempt to shut down China’s cruel dog and cat meat trade, including the infamous Yulin dog meat festival.

Despite officials denying that the Yulin dog meat festival will happen on June 22, the HSI believes that the massive dog slaughter will indeed happen as evidenced by the footage that the organization recently shot which shows festival slaughter preparations underway in Yulin late last month.

The HSI is hopeful that with enough international outrage, the horrific event will finally be cancelled once and for all.

Cue comedian and animal activist Gervais who’s been active on his Twitter account about the cause, trying to round up support from his millions of followers. Earlier today the comedian posted a petition to stop the Yulin Dog festival, which over 300,000 people have already signed.

On behalf of HSI, the “Derek” start penned a heartfelt note to…

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