#StopS386: Asian-Indian Elites Marching in Chicago Against Diversity; Counter-Protests for American Workers & Diversity Planned; Americans Call & Write Your Senators-Representatives

Mining Awareness +

Upper-Dominant caste migrants from India (elites), and other foreigners (aka ROW-rest of the world), are making their voices heard on critically important proposed changes to US immigration policy. Are you?

Americans call and write your US Senators to oppose S386 and any similar or related bills. Call Senator Durbin and thank him for blocking S386, but state an emphatic no to his proposal for increase in green card numbers. https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?OrderBy=state&Sort=ASC
Oppose the removal of the per country green card caps, oppose the doubling of family joining caps, AND oppose any expansion in green card numbers. The purpose of the caps is to have diversity, which allows immigrants to become Americans. It keeps one group from monopolizing immigration. Year-long public hearings, allowing Americans to be heard, and debate are needed. There are rumors that it may be sneaked into a DHS appropriations bill. Don’t be fooled, H1B “speciality occupation”…

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Sign the Petition save the Antioch lambs

David Nibert started this petition to Tom Manley – President of Antioch College

Antioch College, located in Yellow Springs, Ohio, USA, recently has changed its curriculum and now operates a farm with numerous animals, including nine young lambs. Currently the college is using the lambs as “living lawnmowers” in a field of solar panels, but later this summer the college will kill the lambs and feed them to students. The use and impending death of the lambs is hailed by the college as a lesson in the production of “real” food.

But the lambs are not carrots and turnips. Allowed to live their full lives these lambs can live 15 years, but Antioch College plans to kill them while they are very young. Rather than teaching students to respect life and to produce sustainable plant-based food, students are being taught that living beings are disposable and replaceable. Next year, they plan to do this all again with another group of innocent lambs.

By signing this petition, you are calling on Antioch College to release these lambs to area sanctuaries, where they can be spared the horrors of the slaughterhouse and where they can live out their natural lives in peace. You also are calling on Antioch College to focus on educating students in the production of plant-based food and to stop the use and oppression of any animals on the Antioch farm.


‘Miracle’ Dog Rescued After Weeks Trapped Under A Pile of Rubble from Hurricane

Photo Credit: Big Dog Ranch Rescue

In a heartening story of survival against the odds, a dog who was trapped for over three weeks in debris left by the destructive force of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas has been found alive by an animal rescue organization.

Named Miracle by his rescuers, the emaciated, weak and frightened dog was discovered wedged under an air conditioning unit and building debris in Marsh Harbour on the Abaco Islands by members of Big Dog Ranch Rescue.

The organization was alerted to Miracle’s desperate situation on Friday, October 4 and immediately employed drones and recovery teams to locate and save him. After detecting a small area of heat among the rubble, the team managed to uncover the dog and rush him back to their HQ, where Miracle received lifesaving treatment and food.

On its Facebook page the rescue organization gave an update on Miracle’s condition: “We are taking care of our Miracle baby at Big Dog Ranch Rescue. He has a long road to recovery, but for now, he is comfortable, and he is eating and gaining a bit of strength! He is anemic, heartworm-positive, very weak, and he cannot walk on his own… The poor baby fought for his life over there — surviving on rain water from the storm for weeks!”

Big Dog Ranch Rescue has so far saved 138 dogs from the Bahamas in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, some of whom had become separated from their carers as they evacuated the area. Happily, many of these canine survivors have been reunited with their worried owners.


PETITION: Pass Braveheart’s Law to Give Abused Animals A Voice in Court

Image Credit: Braveheart’s Law/Facebook

PETITION TARGET: Rep. Allen Skillicorn

Braveheart was discovered with her right ear cut in half, a swollen muzzle and bite wounds covering her face and body. She was one of 11 dogs living among filth and excrement at the home of a convicted animal abuser.

After their rescue, Braveheart and her canine companions had nobody to fight for them. So they languished in a shelter for months, unable to even be fostered into loving homes. Her abuser made a plea deal and only received 18 months of probation.

Braveheart’s Law, a potential new bill in Illinois, could help protect dogs like her by allowing state courts to assign pro bono lawyers or law students to advocate for cats and dogs in animal cruelty cases, finally giving the animals a voice in the legal system.

State Representative Allen Skillicorn reportedly may propose Braveheart’s Law in January 2020. Please speak out to show your support and help this crucial legislation pass!

Other states have introduced similar laws. Desmond’s Law was enacted in Connecticut in 2016, and animal advocates say they have seen stiffer penalties for abusers since then.

Franky’s Law was proposed in Maine this year.

Every animal victim of abuse deserves a voice in court.

Sign this petition to let Rep. Skillicorn know that you fully support Braveheart’s Law, and eagerly await the introduction — and passage — of this important bill.


Green Card Demanders Already Trying to Kill Free Speech in the USA by Pretending No Right To Counter-Protest; Imagine What They Will Be like As Citizens?

Mining Awareness +

Excerpt from ACLU document:
When one group disagrees with the message of another group, the First Amendment protects the right to counter-protest at the site of a protest. Police must ensure that the two opposing groups do not silence or harm each other. Police may do so by separating the opposing groups, but should allow them to be in the same general vicinity.

The First Amendment also protects the right of an individual or small group to express a variety of additional messages to a large protest group at the site of the protest. For example, at a large parade in support of or opposition to a war, a candidate for public office might display campaign signs to the marchers, or a free speech organization might distribute “know your rights” leaflets to the marchers. Government has no legitimate interest in prohibiting multiple expressive activities that, without interfering with…

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Sign Petition: Protect Wildlife – Keep Plastic Water Bottles Out of Our Parks

by: Care2 Team
recipient: National Parks Service

130,000 GOAL

The Trump administration continued its assault on the environment with the recent announcement that it was reversing a 2011 policy that encouraged national parks to stop selling plastic water bottles.

While the original policy wasn’t an outright ban, 23 national parks, including Grand Canyon National Park and Zion National Park, restricted water bottle sales, helping alleviate pollution and harm to the environment and wildlife.

Please sign this petition asking the National Parks Service to allow parks to ban plastic pollution!

Plastic water bottles have no place in our national parks. We already know that the production of plastic and the subsequent pollution caused by the improper disposal of plastic severely harm our environment. On top of that, plastic is a killer to wildlife. Animals often mistake plastic bottle caps for food, resulting in intestinal blockages and other injuries.

The Trump administration needs to stop trying to turn back time. We are moving away from our reliance on plastic, and more people are carrying refillable water bottles every day. Our national parks need to focus on providing water to park visitors in ways that don’t hurt our environment or wildlife.

Please sign this petition and let the National Parks Service know that you want to keep plastic water bottles out.

120,363 supporters
