
Giant Sequoia trees in the western Sierra Nevada range in California have been severely damaged and estimates have said somewhere between 2,261 and 3,637 sequoia trees have been lost this year, alone.

This has been a bad year but last year was even worse as an estimated 7,500 to 10,400 trees were lost to wild fires, according to the Associated Press.  That means the lightning strikes in California have destroyed nearly 20% of all giant sequoias in the last two years. The giant sequoia is the Earth’s largest trees and are native to about 70 groves in the western Sierra Nevada range in California.

These giant sequoia trees were once considered nearly fireproof, but are being destroyed in wildfires at rates that are alarming experts. Fires in Sequioa National Park and the surrounding national forest that also bears the trees’ name tore through more than a third of the groves in California in the last two years.

Officials said the overall rising temperature of the planet in addition to a historic series of droughts in California, along with decades of fire suppression tactics have allowed such intense fires to ignite that it could cause the destruction of so many of the trees, many of which are thousands of years old.

Over the centuries the giant sequoia has adapted to have a bark thick enough to protect itself from the lower intensity of fires that were commonly ignited by lightning strikes in the region previously.

The lower intensity fires even help the trees, clearing other vegetation so the great sequoia can continue to grow and the fire will open the cones, causing the tree to release seeds. However, due to the dry and hot environments, the fires of the past several years have burned too hot for the seed to grow, endangering the areas where the most trees were burned.

California has seen its largest fires in the past five years, with last year setting a record for the most acreage burned. So far, the second-largest amount of land has burned this year.

Superintendent of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks said, “The sobering reality is that we have seen another huge loss within a finite population of these iconic trees that are irreplaceable in many lifetimes. As spectacular as these trees are, we really can’t take them for granted. To ensure that they’re around for our kids and grandkids and great-kids, some action is necessary.”


‘Un-American’: Republican State Financial Officers Call For Banks To Stop Catering To Biden’s Coal and Oil Policies


Leif Le Mahieu

Led by West Virginia Treasurer Riley Moore, 16 Republican state financial officers have banded together to fight bank boycotts against the oil and coal industry. 

“I’m proud to continue to stand with my colleagues against these attacks on our states’ coal, oil and natural gas industries,” Moore said. “These industries – which are engaged in perfectly legal activities – provide jobs, paychecks and benefits to thousands of hard-working families in our states and we will not stand idly by and allow our peoples’ livelihoods to be destroyed to advance a radical social agenda.”

In a letter to U.S. banking institutions, the financial officers announced that they would “be taking collective action in response to the ongoing and growing economic boycott of traditional energy production industries by U.S. financial institutions.”

The goal of the action would be to “protect our states’ economies, jobs, and energy independence from these unwarranted attacks on our critical industries.”

Fourteen Republican state treasurers signed on, including the treasures of Arizona, Arkansas, and Alabama. The Republican comptroller of Texas and Utah state auditor also signed on to the letter. 

The letter specifically called out the Biden administration’s efforts to move toward the end of the coal and oil industries. 

“The Biden Administration has resumed these attacks by attempting to ban energy exploration on public lands and reportedly pressuring U.S. banks and financial institutions to limit, encumber, or outright refuse financing for traditional energy production companies,” the financial officers wrote. 

They also cited Biden’s plan to stop financing traditional energy projects internationally. The Republicans argued that this move aided “Chinese interests” and led the U.S to be dependent on other countries for energy. 

The letter continues, “For the reasons stated above, we will each take concrete steps within our respective authority to select financial institutions that support a free market and are not engaged in harmful fossil fuel industry boycotts for our states’ financial services contracts.”

One step mentioned was that certain states will make sure that banks they are working with will not be boycotting the oil and gas industry. 

In a press release announcing the coalition, Moore pinned much of the blame for banking’s aversions to the oil and gas industry on “woke capitalists” and “globalist actors.” 

“Woke capitalists and globalist actors have been using the guise of climate change to press for anti-American reforms that reduce our country’s competitiveness against hostile nations like Russia and China,” he said. “As a result, in less than a year our country has gone from energy independence to having a President who is begging OPEC and Russia to pump more oil.”

He noted that attacks on the traditional energy industry were “misguided” and “un-American.” 

Moore told National Review that another reason he was forming the coalition was to protect the jobs of West Virginians. 

“They sold us on globalization and now the only businesses in our small towns are Wal Marts. Now they want to eliminate one of the only remaining industries that gives West Virginians a good living,” he said

Biden’s nominee for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, has stated that she wants the oil and gas industries to go bankrupt. 

“Here what I’m thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry. A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change,” Omarova said in a video clip, publicized by the American Accountability Foundation (AAF).



MN Prager Discussion Group

Five dead in vehicular attack on Waukesha Christmas parade: Why?

ED MORRISSEY Nov 22, 2021 at HotAir:

This attack on a holiday event is insane, but was the perpetrator? So far the police remain mum on the identity of the suspect and any motive for the deaths of five people and injuries to dozens of others in Waukesha, Wisconsin. WISN has video of the moment that the man in a red SUV plowed through marchers in the Christmas parade, blurring in places where people were injured or killed:

A treasured rite of the holiday season turned into a scene of bloody, deadly mayhem late Sunday afternoon as a vehicle plowed into the Waukesha Christmas Parade, killing five people and injuring more than 40 others, authorities said.

Shortly before midnight, the City of Waukesha posted to its Twitter and Facebook accounts revised casualty totals.

“At this time, we can confirm that…

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