
Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam. Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics.

AIM Truth Bits

giulia grillo.JPGItalian leaders actually care about the health and well-being of their citizens, Congratulations, Giulia Grillo, for standing up against the globalist agenda of maiming and destroying human life.


More insight from Jim Stone:

“Italy sacked it’s vaccine scammers, and put in their place 100 percent new people who are not part of the global conspiracy to destroy people with vaccines, and then subsequently and practically immediately discovered that the vaccines have absolutely nothing they are advertised for, which begs the question: What the hell is really in those shots?

Vaccine advocacy group Corvelva, which is not compromised, spearheaded Italy’s investigation into the vaccine scam.

The Eugenicists are up in arms over Corvelva, a vaccine advocacy group appointed by the Italian government to investigate the vaccines which has now received over $50, 000 in funding to test all the vaccines and see…

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