Stop Holtec from Taking Over at Indian Point Nuclear Power Station near NYC: Petition plus Public Meeting on Oct. 2nd

Mining Awareness +

Please spread the information and petition far and wide by reblogs, social media-networks, email, word of mouth. While the petition seems to primarily target New York Governor Cuomo, it is important that this summary of what’s wrong with Holtec get spread far and wide. This excerpt from the Riverkeeper petition neatly summarizes the Holtec nuclear “problem”: “We the undersigned believe that Holtec is not a suitable company to undertake the decommissioning of Indian Point and take control of the $2 billion trust fund because it has bribed its way into contracts, lied about the bribes, and has a history of risk taking in an area where safety is critical. Plus it has little experience with actual nuclear plant decommissioning and is not backing the project with any of its own money” Sign the petition here:

Stop Holtec from taking over at Indian Point

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