4 Reasons Why We Love Coconuts | VegNews

Life or Lunch?

From its butter to its water—the mighty coconut may be the perfect food.

Considered a fruit, a nut, and a seed (though technically in the drupe family), the coconut is one of those addicting foods that you can never get enough of. The palm is also called the “Tree of Life” because every single part of the plant can be used to make everything from milk to musical instruments. It’s a good thing the coconut lives up to its weighty name, providing the world with delicious retreats into coconut-food heaven. Here’s the low-down on the health benefits, how to bake up delicious coconut cake, and whip up beauty applications, and why everyone is obsessing over this fuzzy, brown food.

Quenching Thirst
Coconut water is getting more grocery attention, and not only at the health-food stores. The refreshing drink comes from young, green coconuts and has been touted as electrolyte-packed and…

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